Monday, July 21, 2008

CrossFit Central is Heating it Up!

At the recent evening social gathering at the CrossFit Central facility I happened to have my poi on me and decided to light things up. Poi is a form of object manipulation with balls on ropes or chains, held in the hands and swung in various circular patterns, comparable to club-twirling. It originated with the Māori people of New Zealand (the word poi means "ball" in Māori). Women and men used it to increase flexibility, strength, and coordination and in particular the dexterity of the wrist. This was because the movements were circular and central to the use of hand weapons. Warriors practised these movements with balls on fire as they prepared themselves menatally and physically for the demands of battle. I do it mostly for fun lol, but I do get a sense of centered consciousness and internal awareness as fire spins about my physical being, harnessing it all with strength under control.

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