Sunday, May 13, 2012

30 Days To Shredded

30 Days to Shredded

How dedicated are you to getting those six-pack abs?

Designed for athletes of any background or level of fitness, 30 Days to Shredded will not only get you in the best shape of your life, but it will take your body through a complete transformation from the inside out. Two customized package options available; those who plan to compete in the Adela Garcia Classic on June 23, 2012 and those just wanting to get bodybuilder shredded. How far are you willing to take your transformation?

Off Stage: $275

Nutritional Seminars
Customized Nutrition plan
Advocare Regiment (optional)
Daily Food Logging and Accountability
Before and After Body Compositions
Before Photos and Professional Photos Post Challenge
1 Hour Massage
4 Group Training Sessions (1 x 4 weeks)
12 Muscle Isolation Workouts to Complete on Your Own (3 x 4 weeks)
Goal Setting with Vision Board

On Stage: $325

Off Stage Package PLUS
Posing Technique Fundamentals (1 x 4 weeks)
Backstage Support
Advocare Regiment (at cost)

Less than a year ago I transformed myself into a bodybuilding competitor in 30 days. Now I'm taking other athletes through the journey with me. Are you willing to step into the unknown? Are you ready to transform YOUR body with 30 Days to Shredded?

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