Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Do you have what it Takes to Train like a Spartan?

The Spartan Challenge is a 16 week program designed to get all participants in the best physical shape of their lives. This Challenge is perfect for anyone wanting to increase their edge over competitors in any given sport....Men and Women are encouraged to join in!

It doesn't matter what your current physical condition is or whether or not you're knowledgeable in health and fitness. This program can meet you where you're at physically. If you're already in great shape you can always be in better shape...this program will rock your world and be alot of fun. If you're not...guess're going to come out of this a Champion and better because of it!!!

The Spartan 300 Challenge is designed to hold you accountable in your fitness and your nutrition. The end result - you will be faster, stronger, and more lean than ever before!

for more details go to-

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