Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Happy Birthday Eugene Sandow

I have been a longtime fan of golden age strongmen. They were the ones who performed unusual feats of strength usually involving globe dumbbellls, kettlebells, and olympic bars. Mr. Sandow would have been 141 years old today. Obviously Mr. Sandow and his breed are long gone but many techniques are still practiced today.
(about the man)
Eugen Sandow (April 2, 1867 – October 14, 1925) was a pioneering bodybuilder of the Victorian era. Sandow's resemblance to the physiques found on classic Greek and Roman sculpture was no accident. He actually measured the marble artworks in museums and helped to develop "The Grecian Ideal" as a formula for the "perfect physique." He built his physique to those exact proportions. Because of this, he is considered to be the "Father of Modern Bodybuilding."
Sandow authored five books: Sandow's System of Physical Training, Strength and How To Obtain It, Body-Building, Strength and Health, Life is Movement,and The Construction and Reconstruction of the Human Body.
As recognition of his contribution to the sport of bodybuilding, a bronze statue of Sandow sculpted by Frederick Pomeroy has been presented to the Mr Olympia winner since 1977. This statue is simply known as "The Sandow".

(For the record- I value well rounded functional fitness over body sculpting but I have to give mad props to anyone who displays this level of dedication and skill. The fact that he does a standing back tuck gives insight that he could do more than just "scope the guns.")

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